Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Presents, I love Presents!!

Well here is the most beautiful gift from a couple of my East Coast Precious Pandas. We were suppsed to decorate and make sparklie and we were having so much fun eating and laughing that we totally forgot about them. So, just a couple weeks ago, I got this in the mail and I'm not sure if it were Stephe, Donna, Cheryl or Wanda but I love mine and it made me cry. There was a beautiful little poem on shiny paper. I loved it. And, just a couple days ago, I got my cute little onesies from the onesie swap!! Thanks Michelle!! They are sooo cute. I just love getting gifts in the mail. I have been obsessed with getting mail since I was a child. So everytime there is a package on the porch or in the box, I revert back to childhood!! I know, I'm strange!! If only I would open the box and find a little baby girl from China!! Then I would never be the same!!

1 comment:

Shandra said...

Love the onsie. Is it stamped or painted? Stenciled? Very cute.